The Story of RabbitInstallations & publicationsJuly 2023, Goldsmiths MFA Degree show, London The project centres around the puzzling death of a caterpillar and the suspect Rabbit. Through participating reading groups and visiting installations, readers are invited to imagine the shape of truths, and to reflect on divergent perspectives, and the meaning for us to seek answers. 

Book size: 21.5cm*27.5cm; 11.5cm*19.5cm
Print: digital, screen
Limited 3

The Shinest ThingIllustrated book
2022, London
The Shiniest Thing is a fairy tale of a rabbit's journey in search of the shiniest thing.

Size: 198mm x 124mm
Print: woodblock print, digital print
Limited 10

The LondonerEvent & Newspaper
2022, One Fen Court, London
The Londoner (2022) is a fictional newspaper that focuses on two topics, the clash of cultures and values in the context of globalisation, and the blurred line between truth and fiction. All authors published their articles under pseudonyms.

Editors: Feiya Zhang,  Vi Trinh
Visual Designers: Feiya Zhang, Vi Trinh
Proofreading: Arlene Lo, Antoin Sharkey, Vi Trinh, Gabriela Avila-Yiptong

Exhibited as part of the collaborative event “One Fun Court”

The OutsiderPhoto book
2022, London
In Outsider, readers are drawn into the perspective of a Chinese young woman who questioned the strange world with curiosity. In a business trip to a Chinese poor village, for the first time, she found that the society operated under the multi-powers of capitalism, academia authority, and masculinity.

Size: 21cm x 29cm
Print: digital 

Time to LeavePhoto book
2019, Beijing
Time to Leave tells the story of my grandparents. Their memories of the past, expectations towards the future, and fears of death entwine in the present. 

Print: digital print
Limited 1